Statewide Ankle Monitoring is your source for high-quality house arrest ankle monitors that are available for purchase or rent at an affordable price. We’ve established that fact in posts of the past, in addition to highlighting our individual electronic monitoring devices for sale. We encourage you to back and read through those posts if you want to familiarize yourself with who we are and what we do here at Statewide Ankle Monitoring. But in case you are short on time and can only read one single blog post today, we’ll briefly summarize what we’ve covered below before diving into the meat and potatoes of today’s post.

Dependable & Trustworthy Ankle Monitoring

We are an electronic monitoring company that offers active and constant GPS monitoring and reporting for criminal defendants. Our customers range in background, from bail bond professionals to parole officers to folks who represent other sorts of organizations who happen to be in need of house arrest ankle bracelets with a robust set of features. The common thread between our customers, more often than not, is that they need to keep their community safe while mitigating the risk of loss by checking in on their clients using real-time GPS data.

We offer high-quality monitoring devices for the best prices, nationwide. Seriously, just try us. We are also a company that goes above and beyond expectations to make sure that our customers are set up for success when it comes to protecting their business and investments.

Beyond Expectations

Yes, our probation ankle bracelets are durable, tamper-resistant, and waterproof, but one of the key ways we set the bar here at Statewide Ankle Monitoring is how we save you additional costs by setting you up for success. Practically speaking, we provide your organization with the tools necessary to track your clients with mobile and desktop applications to help you speed up response time and always be in the loop, no matter where you or they might be. What’s more, we will take the time to make sure you understand how you can maximize our monitoring devices. You may be able to re-use this product while modifying court-ordered specifics without having purchased a new one. Ultimately, our success is your success, so we’ll do everything in our power to make sure you can protect your investments while staying within your budget.

Now that we’ve established a bit more about who we are and what we do at Statewide Ankle Monitoring, we are finally getting to our promised blog topic! After all, it’s probably the reason why you made your way to this blog in the first place. Let’s dive into explaining how GPS ankle bracelets function.

How Does A House Arrest Ankle Bracelet Work?

Excellent question! We are glad you asked. Let’s define our terms before we get into the nitty-gritty details. House arrest bracelets, also called probation ankle bracelets, house arrest ankle monitors, or perhaps a house arrest device, are electronic monitoring devices which are used by corrections services, bail bond professionals, and other organizations to monitor the physical whereabouts of offenders. For said offenders, the reality of wearing a probation ankle bracelet is typically preferable when compared to the alternative of full-time incarceration. And while there are numerous kinds of GPS ankle bracelets available, each with their own specific kind of defendant, keep in mind that Statewide Ankle Monitoring offers OMNILINK devices which work for all types of offenders, 24/7, indoors and outdoors.

In terms of the technology ankle bracelets for house monitoring use, the fundamentals are quite similar from device to device. Each has a GPS receiver, a communication device, and a cellular modem — in most every circumstance. The cellular connection involves the GPS device detecting signals from satellites in orbit in order to make sure the location is accurate.


GPS ankle devices are almost always able to define certain geo-locations. For criminal defendants, this usually involves setting a perimeter around a home’s premises. The device will alert the powers that be if the client strays outside of a predetermined radius. Some electronic monitoring devices exist that have the functionality to allow clients to visit other locations (like work), with customizable settings on day of the week and hour of the day. At Statewide Ankle Monitoring, as you can probably guess, we can tailor your monitoring-service needs with our devices.

Contact Us Today!

That’s all the time we have in today’s post. Be sure you keep an eye out for our next one, in which we’ll continue with the theme of describing the ins and outs of GPS ankle bracelets with regard to how they work. We’ll also take a walk down memory lane to highlight the history of house arrest bracelets. Suffice it to say, however, that we’ve come a long way in terms of what we can offer parties that are interested in getting a probation ankle bracelet for rent or sale.

In the meantime, make sure you contact us at your convenience to get the best price you will find on top-quality products from Statewide Ankle Monitoring!